Fornesus Portfolio

developer. ms in data science candidate. data-driven artist.

Website inquiries:

Tel: +1‪ (346) 466-8910

Art & Design inquiries:

Tel: +1 (346) 466-8950

Email (all inquiries):

chris [at]



My Projects

Explore a showcase of my creative web development and data insight projects.

Web Art

Innovative websites crafted for diverse online experiences.

Data Insights

Projects reflecting my journey towards becoming a data scientist.

Web Dev + ChatGPT

Web development projects involving ChatGPT.

Creative Showcase

A collection of my best work in art and design.

About Fornesus

Explore my diverse portfolio showcasing web creations, data analysis projects, and artistic endeavors.


Creative Web Development

Showcasing my skills as a web developer and data analyst through innovative projects.

Future Aspirations

Experience. With our intuitive design and user-friendly interface, your website will captivate visitors. 2

Web Portfolio

Explore my creative art and data-driven projects.